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0 Tapanui Boil Water Notice

  • by Stuart Gunn
  • 24-01-2025
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Friday, 24 January 2025 

A boil water notice has been issued for Tapanui. 

This is due to treatment difficulties this morning at the plant. 

Arrangements have been made for a water tanker to be placed in Tapanui today. It will be placed next to PGG later this afternoon and will remain in place for the duration the notice is in place. 

You can fill your own clean containers with drinking water. 

This notice will be in place until we are satisfied that the water being received at the plant is consistently clear. 

This will be reviewed over the coming days. We will provide an update when we are able to do so. 

Anyone using water from their tap for consumption (including teeth cleaning and washing fruit and vegetables) should boil it for 1 minute before it is used. 

Please share this information with any family or neighbours that may not be aware.

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