027 733 8528

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0 Txt Push Alerts Keep you Much Safer

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 Lert Info is NZ's only dedicated National alert service. It's quick to join,  then just wait for us to send you alerts during storms, road closures food recalls and a whole lot more

You can choose free emails, but if you want to see alerts immediately, Txt is the way to go. 

The above chart shows the effectiveness of delivery methods. Many people switch from email to Txt for more timely alert.

Many alert have 15minutes warning and this is where TXT reigns supreme.

Below shows a line of Severe Thunderstorms including likely tornadoes. We gave 15minutes warning to Kapiti residents as each wave of severe thunderstorms rolled through. They had already had one tornado. 

Email delays put you at risk and your family at risk.

 Have you noticed we seem to have many more tornadoes these days.



Civil Defence stopped using email because of the delays but we keep it on as a social service.

We often send alerts to over 100,000 people per day during full on events.. 

 Register now. No one knows when the next emergency will happen. www.lert.info    






Lert Info has been designed to provide safety alerts for the public. It is a private company that gets no Government funding.

It’s arguably NZ’s most comprehensive and advanced alert service.

We have our own Meteorological technician, our own programmers and our own networker who are passionate that you have the best service


96, London Street, Dunedin,

New Zealand

Email: 027 733 8528

Email: Stuart@Lert.co.nz

© Lert Info all rights reserved-2018