027 733 8528

News Feed

  • 0 Canterbury, and other places face heightened fire risk this summer

    • News
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 09-12-2024
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    Heat mirage   There is an increased fire danger  in Canterbury as hot, dry conditions persist across the region following a weekend of extreme weather.   Daytime temperatures lower Humidity and moderate winds are forecast over the rest of the week in Canterbury. While Canterbury and Marlborough can expect clear skies and warm temperatures for much of the week, exercise caution. Fire danger is on the rise with the beginning of summer, and it is recommended that anyone planning to light a fire or engage in activities that could cause a spark check the conditions at checkitsalright.nz first Satellite heat map for West Melton that Lert has access to. Just one of the many tools we use. Looking ahead, it's imperative people report smoke ASAP, call 111. Typical summer weather will prevail over central New Zealand, with light winds and clear skies.  Thursday is expected to bring warm, wet weather to the North Island. Temperatures in eastern regions, including Canterbury, are forecast to climb into the low thirties by the end of the week. Lert Info is now sending exclusive Humidex alerts, click here , which are more useful than just temperature alerts. When the humidex gets to 37deg, you could start feeling the effects. REHYDRATE continually.  

  • 0 Extreme Fire risk for parts of Hawkes Bay

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       Ahuriri - Heretaunga. Sunday is raising a lot of flags for fire posibilities, because of the very high temperatures and dry winds we’re expecting.There is increasing likelihood of potential fire intensities being extreme or near extreme during these sunny and windy periods. Extreme intensities being where aircraft may no longer be able to stop a running fire.We urge you to avoid doing anything that could create a spark - such as mowing lawns, welding or grinding.We are continuing to monitor these conditions for the remainder of the week and will keep you up to date on the days we have significant concerns.We want to thank the community for taking precautions and being responsible with fire safety under these current conditions.  For Real time news (email) for your area click here  .  99% immediate delivery which is far superior to Facebook. You’ll also get free emergency/Safety alerts for when you must know what's happening.      

  • 1 Humidex V's Temperature Alerts

    • News
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 04-12-2024
    0.00 of 2 votes

    With the summer temps on the rise, we all need to be aware of how our body responds.   Humidex is a superior measure of heat and for how you can be affected.  The humidex,  combines air temperature and humidity to estimate how hot it feels to the human body. People can begin to feel discomfort or health effects at different levels depending on individual sensitivity and activity levels. Below is a general guide: Humidex Categories and Effects20–29: Comfortable for most people.   30–39: Some discomfort may start to be felt, especially for those   unaccustomed to heat or engaging in physical activities.   40–45: Significant discomfort. People may start feeling the effects of   heat, including sweating and mild fatigue. Caution is advised for   outdoor activities.   46+: Dangerous heat. Heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion or   heatstroke can occur, particularly for vulnerable groups (e.g., elderly,   children, those with pre-existing conditions).   54+: Extreme danger. Conditions can be life-threatening, even for   healthy individuals, without precautions. When Effects Start Most people begin to feel heat stress at a humidex of 35 or higher, with noticeable impacts on comfort and performance. For people doing physical work or in direct sunlight, effects may occur at slightly lower levels due to added heat load.   Lert Info will send humdex alerts when the temperatur reaches 37deg. This should be your prompt to drink LOTS of water - a cup every 15-30mins and to seek shelter if you can. To set up humidex and emergency alerts - Click Here Source Chat GPT

  • 0 Hutt River Toxic algae in 3 locations

    • News
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 04-12-2024
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      To get our news immediately,  click here   TOXIC ALGAE season has officially begun with a warning in place at 3 sites along the Hutt River/Te Awa Kairangi: Pākuratahi River at Kaitoki Campground, Te Awa Kairangi at the Poets Park, Te Awa Kairangi at Silverstream. Toxic algae is is a risk to both dogs and swimmers, particularly children. Dogs should be kept on leads and away from the water, and children should be supervised. Toxic algae is deadly to dogs, and can make people sick. Remember, preventing your dogs from eating toxic algae is better than any known treatment. If you have been in contact with toxic algae and are feeling unwell ring Healthline 0800 611 116. If you think your dog has swallowed toxic algae, take it to the nearest vet immediately. You can check for updates on any of the sites we monitor on the LAWA website lawa.org.nz/swim Source "Greater Wellingon"

  • 0 Fire dangers will rise

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    Fire indices are rising with several districts popping in and out of extreme. Maps are below for areas with very high ( yellow ) and extreme (red). Our fire monitoring is now more proactive than reactive (relying on mainstream media reports) . We will now be able to get on top alerting requirements  much sooner. This is achieved through access to a NASA satellite, in combination with flight tracking of aircraft involved with fires. If you're not one of the thousands of subscriber and want alerts from NZ's only dedicated alert service, register at  Images we sourceto keep you better informed  Below: Hotspot in red at  the bottom left is Glenbrook Steel Mill   Below: Helicopter flight tracking  Northland Heat indices  Hawkes Bay Heat indices Marlborough/Tasman Heat indices  Canterbury Heat Indices Mid-South Canterbury Heat indices    

  • 0 Fire conditions are extreme in some parts of Northland

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    Fire conditions are extreme in some areas of Northland.   Before you light up , go to "Check It's Alright To Light" To get alerts should fires occure, register with NZ's only National alert service for any situations. - www.lert.info    

  • 0 Be mindful of slips

    • Weather
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 04-10-2024
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    The heavy rain in Dunedin has caused several small slips and the ground is becoming unstable in some locations. Even after the rain stops, slips can still happen so stay alert. Be wary going around corners and only travel if necessary. Report slips to council. Ph 03 477 4000    

  • 0 Auckland Flood Maps

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    Auckland City Council has created a handy tool around flood risks.  There are four flood categories Flood Plains Flood Prone Areas Overland Flow Paths Coastal inundation Check out the map at https://bit.ly/3SmGUUU  There is a description of eachand you can zoom in on the map for your street by the looks. Knowing the risks can keep you safer.  

  • 0 Safety Before, During and After Thunderstorms

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    Severe Thunderstorms need to be taken seriously so we have made these safety pointers. These can last a short duration or long duration like the Auckland floods of 2023  What comes with them?   Hail Damaging winds Tornadoes Flooding Slips Torrential rain Power cuts Fallen trees. - Take shelter, preferably indoors away from windows;- Avoid sheltering under trees, if outside;- Get back to land, if outdoors on the water;- Move cars under cover or away from trees;- Secure any loose objects around your property;- Check that drains and gutters are clear;- Be ready to slow down or stop, if driving.- Expect flash flooding During and after the storm, you should also:- Beware of fallen trees and power lines;- Avoid streams and drains as you may be swept away in flash flooding.- If you feel in danger or damage is occurring and you feel you should call 111, don't hesitate. Lert Info gathers information from hundreds of sources and generates alerts , many exclusive to Lert Info. These have saved lives over the years. To be included in our Alert Network Click Here

  • 0 Tips and Information to Help You Get Through an Emergency event

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    FENZ has compiled a list of things to help you prepare during a weather event situation - Click here

  • 0 The Best of Both

    • Alerts
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 26-02-2023
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    In emergencies like the recent destructive storms, information is key to your safety. Civil Defence has a great service with their Mobile Emergency Alerts, but unfortunately there are some drawbacks : From Their Tweet Feb 26th 2023" - Didn’t get an Emergency Mobile Alert on your phone? - Emergency Mobile Alerts will only be sent when there is a serious threat to life, health or property. These are broadcast to affected areas, not specific phones. Other reasons may be: Your phone isn’t on our list of capable makes and models: getready.govt.nz/.../emergency.… Your phone needs updating Your phone is off, You're in flight mode, or Your out of cellular coverage.  Lert Info alerts reach you reliably: On all phones, 99% of the time. If you lose signal,  alerts will get through when you get signal. When you recharge your phone after a flat battery, You cancel flight mode, You drive into an area with signal, You switch your phone on.  only people who want our alerts will get them, for their chosen suburb, town or region.  Civil Defence creates original alerts. Lert Info creates original alerts too, eg we were the first to alert Auckland subscribers thunderstorms had stalled and to expect issues, however we also scour 100's of sources and have thousand of subscribers as our eyes and ears. We then personally send the information to you if your registered (free). Alerts could be anything, weather, a city fire with toxic smoke, life threatening health alerts like recalled foods, toxic shellfish, plus a whole lot more. - Full list of alerts Click Here  We advise you to have multiple sources but please don't rely on just Facebook. It risks your safety because of it's unreliability. Many of the alerts on this map (Noon Feb 27th 2023) have not appeared anywhere on Facebook. To start getting your own alerts long before others do just FREE register at www.lert.info  

  • 0 New Services Keep Subscribers Much Safer

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      We can officially call the polar blast event finished  (Except for the clean-up).   This has been our most intense weather event ever, with 289 alerts being sent in just 5 days.        Exclusive Alerts Trial a Total Success  During the 5 days, we sent 61 exclusive alerts. Many were a direct result of information from members.  A huge thank you to the many contributors, especially when the Metservice radar stopped working during a severe thunderstorm after a lightning strike.   One of our exclusive alerts was for very big coastal waves and swells.  We sent alerts 5 days before official warnings.    Exclusive alerts are created using common sense,  weather models, member contributions and other information .   On site Reports From Members - Another Complete Success  We can now requested updates from members to get a far better idea of what was happening.   This was so successful it's now an important part of our service, enabling even better service for members.   Time Critical Alerts (TCA) With rapidly moving thunderstorms we had during the June 2022 polar blast,  Time Critical Alerts were sent to members, giving  5 to 15 minutes heads up that damaging thunderstorms were about to hit.   By monitoring weather radar, and getting member reports from precise locations, we can now tell members when a severe thunderstorms was about to hit. Warnings of 5-15minutes are enough to do a couple of outside things or even tell the kids what's coming.   The TCA's only work using our TXT alerts however. People read Txt immediately but emails not so  (see graph) .  During the damaging thunderstorms and tornadoes we sent over 20 TCAs for all parts of the country.   The graph clearly shows in the first 20 mins, ONLY 27% of people open an email.  Our txt could literally be a life saver .   Facebook and Twitter Unfit For Alerting   Facebook and Twitter don't meet our standards so we no longer send alerts through them.  They can't be customised to an individuals needs. The recognised standard for alerting these days is Push Alerts. Lert Info is undeniably the most advanced service of it's kind in the world from what we have seen.    Road Alerts were hugely popular and we saw a heap of new subscribers. Click Here Again, we sent information no one else had including maps that till now weren't possible on our text service.   One such alert was this closure because of a slip . By including the map it was a lot easier to follow detour instructions. We can even include distances.     Customised Personal Emergency alerts www.lert.info Txt Road alerts www.road.lert.info  

  • 0 What Are Time Critical, Exclusive Alerts?

    • News
    • by Stuart Gunn
    • 13-06-2022
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    The June 2022 Polar blast was one for the record books A spoke person for the Metservice described the storm as an extreme event, with very deep snow in places, and more than 111,000 lightning strikes. The polar system came in several waves and when thunderstorms were approaching, Lert Info sent TCAs (time critical alerts). Here we see a line of thunderstorms travelling west to east. People to the east were warned many minutes before it hit.  The appreciation from subscribers was huge. Snow was a major issue with many roads closed. We sent 20 or so proactive alerts ( looking ahead in time and using common sense) . People told us they were much appreciated. With SH8 Lindis Pass, Lert sent a heads up things were turning to custard very fast. This warning was more than 30 minutes before official sources. Hopefully it stopped some people travelling and getting trapped.   Lert info is designed specifically for everyone wanting to be far better informed and safer. Anyone can receive free alerts at www.lert.info . For NZ's only public Txt road alert service go to www.road.lert.info Thisis perfect for long distance travellers - commercial drivers, truckies, couriers etc.    

  • 0 New Events Scale Helps You Assess Events.

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    Every event  we send alerts for can now be signaled as to it's intensity and significance. After 12 years of operation we thought it might help you if a "picture "  could give you a better appreciation of different events. We have thousand of sources of information but that should make it easier for us to show how an event will unfold. By mentioning other events you will have a point of comparison. For email or txt alerts - www.lert.info  Time critical alerts like flash floods, severe thunderstorms, evacuations etc only work if you have the Txt service. It only cost 1/2 a bag of lollies per month.

  • 0 Improved Tool Improves Speed and Accuracy

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    For several years we have used pre defined map areas for regions. This assures consistency across all staff when defining areas.   This is the Canterbury Plains and Foothills map This map is for just Lyttleton.   By doing the same for over 100 towns and settlements,  the error rate to zero. This is part of our preparation for our forthcoming app which will be offered to susbcribers first. Release date still unknown.   Free Personal emergency alerts - Click here NZ's Only National Txt road alert service - Click here


Lert Info has been designed to provide safety alerts for the public. It is a private company that gets no Government funding.

It’s arguably NZ’s most comprehensive and advanced alert service.

We have our own Meteorological technician, our own programmers and our own networker who are passionate that you have the best service


96, London Street, Dunedin,

New Zealand

Email: 027 733 8528

Email: Stuart@Lert.co.nz

© Lert Info all rights reserved-2024