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  • 0 Auckland Fire Restrictions Kick In

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    Restricted fire season in Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland    Fire and Emergency New Zealand is moving Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland into a restricted fire season from 6am on Thursday 16 January until further notice.   A restricted fire season means anyone who wants to light an outdoor fire will need a fire permit authorised by Fire and Emergency, which they can apply for at checkitsalright.nz.   Outdoor fires will be restricted in the Waitematā, Auckland City and Counties Manukau districts due to the high fire risk throughout Auckland at present.   While there is some rain forecast next week, this isn’t going to be enough to counter the effects of the recent warm, dry weather.   Right now, we consider flammable vegetation such as mānuka, kānuka and grass, and forestry areas as being particularly high risk, as these burn easily, spread fast, and can be really difficult to contain. The Hauraki Gulf Islands remain in a prohibited fire season, which means all outdoor fires are banned on the islands.   If you’re thinking about starting a fire, you must go to www.checkitsalright.nz first to find out if you can, and what restrictions apply.

  • 0 Fire North East of Taupo

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    Emergency services are at a fire at Tahorakuri Forest in the Taupō District. A spokesperson for Fire and Emergency NZ said multiple calls were received about the vegetation fire and seven crews were in attendance as of 1.40pm.   Above pic: Heat signature from NASA Satellite Above pic showing area of fire fighting operation  Above pic: Met service station appears to not be reporting. 10 min before this image there were 10kph west winds from this sensor. The fire was earlier “approximately 1.5 hectares”. Approximately 32 firefighters are in attendance currently working with two helicopters A police spokesperson said they were assisting with traffic management. There were no evacuations reported. For real time emergency alerts - click here  

  • 0 Total Fire Ban for Canterbury Nth of Rakaia

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    Canterbury District will be moving into a Prohibited Fire Season from midday (11:59am) on Monday 23rd December.   With the fires we have experienced over the past month, it is important people are safe from unwanted fires over this holiday period.   We will review the status of the fire season in the new year, as we are critically aware of the impact this total fire ban will have on the Agricultural, Rail and Forestry industries, as it will affect their day to day activities.   All permits will be suspended from midday on Monday 23 December. If your permit date expires while we are still in a Prohibited Fire Season, you just need to reapply once we are back in a Restricted Fire Season. All current permit holders will receive a text and/or email informing them that their permit has been suspended.   For more information on approved fire types during a Prohibited Fire Season please visit our website https://www.checkitsalright.nz/can-i-light-a-fire.   Not a Lert subscriber? - Get our Lerts and news immediately - Click Here             All reactions: 2323  

  • 0 Fire indices Show How Volitile Some Areas Are.

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    With temps expected to be high in a few places, fire “runaway” is possible especially if there is a breeze. Yesterday’s fire north of Dunsandel appears to be related to a Truck type blowout. The wind at the time was 15-25KPH Please don’t throw cigarettes out car windows, and be extra careful with all fires. – First check if you can actually light a fire wherever you are. This includes ALL fire types - Can I Light A Fire For a list of restrictions around the country click Here   Get information hours faster than Facebook. Set up your real time news  Click Here Choose “Basic” . You’ll also get FREE emergency alerts.

  • 0 So, what are the causes of many wildfires?

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    SO... We asked Chat  GPT - "What are the percentages of different causes of wildfire starting in New Zealand"? ANSWER - Wildfires in New Zealand are caused by a variety of factors, both human-induced and natural. While specific percentages can vary year by year, general trends highlight the primary causes. Here's a typical breakdown based on data from recent years: Human-Related Causes (About 99%) Deliberate/Arson (40-50%): Recreational Activities (20-30%): Agricultural Burns/Escape Fires (10-20%): Machinery and Equipment Use (5-10%): Other Negligent Activities (5-10%): Lightning (<1%): Spontaneous Combustion (<1%): Intentional setting of fires is a significant cause of wildfires in New Zealand. This could be people playing with matches. Campfires, fireworks, and other outdoor activities can spark fires, especially during dry conditions. Controlled burns for land clearing or pasture renewal can escape control and turn into wildfires. Sparks or heat from equipment like chainsaws, mowers, or vehicles can ignite vegetation. Discarded cigarettes or unattended barbecue fires. Natural Causes (About 1%) Natural ignition from lightning strikes is rare in New Zealand compared to other countries. Occasional fires can start due to the buildup of heat in organic material, but this is uncommon. Regional and Seasonal Variability Causes and proportions can vary depending on the region and the season. For example, the drier eastern regions of the North and South Islands (e.g., Canterbury, Hawke's Bay) are more prone to agricultural burns escaping during summer. Lert Info has sent about 30 Fire alerts this season already. If you wish to be included should  there is a fire situation in your area CLICK HERE

  • 0 Extreme Fire risk for parts of Hawkes Bay

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       Ahuriri - Heretaunga. Sunday is raising a lot of flags for fire posibilities, because of the very high temperatures and dry winds we’re expecting.There is increasing likelihood of potential fire intensities being extreme or near extreme during these sunny and windy periods. Extreme intensities being where aircraft may no longer be able to stop a running fire.We urge you to avoid doing anything that could create a spark - such as mowing lawns, welding or grinding.We are continuing to monitor these conditions for the remainder of the week and will keep you up to date on the days we have significant concerns.We want to thank the community for taking precautions and being responsible with fire safety under these current conditions.  For Real time news (email) for your area click here  .  99% immediate delivery which is far superior to Facebook. You’ll also get free emergency/Safety alerts for when you must know what's happening.      

  • 0 Fire dangers will rise

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    Fire indices are rising with several districts popping in and out of extreme. Maps are below for areas with very high ( yellow ) and extreme (red). Our fire monitoring is now more proactive than reactive (relying on mainstream media reports) . We will now be able to get on top alerting requirements  much sooner. This is achieved through access to a NASA satellite, in combination with flight tracking of aircraft involved with fires. If you're not one of the thousands of subscriber and want alerts from NZ's only dedicated alert service, register at  Images we sourceto keep you better informed  Below: Hotspot in red at  the bottom left is Glenbrook Steel Mill   Below: Helicopter flight tracking  Northland Heat indices  Hawkes Bay Heat indices Marlborough/Tasman Heat indices  Canterbury Heat Indices Mid-South Canterbury Heat indices    

  • 0 Fire conditions are extreme in some parts of Northland

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    Fire conditions are extreme in some areas of Northland.   Before you light up , go to "Check It's Alright To Light" To get alerts should fires occure, register with NZ's only National alert service for any situations. - www.lert.info    


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