027 733 8528

News Feed

  • 0 Effective Alerting is about speed and reliability.

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    When it comes to personal safety and relevant information, you need and expect alerts as soon as possible, right? The ONLY effective way to get this information to you is with push alerts. The sooner you know, the sooner you can take action for you and our family's safety.   Covid alert sent Wed 26th. Speed is vital here. Most Txt users would have read this in the first 5 mins. Email users may not have read it for several hours. That could have consequences of transmission of the disease if someone is infected. From evacuations and Covid 19 alerts, poisonous food recalls and storms, Lert Info is the only service of it's kind in New Zealand There are differences though in how alerts are delivered. Currently we ONLY use email or Txt. Soon we will have an app.  The difference will be like moving from a Mini to a Rolls Royce  The following images demonstrate the differences of various delivery methods. This shows the time it takes people to open an email.   This show Facebook reach. Potential is 34,313 people. You can see clearly why we don't use Facebook,  it's very unreliable. The FB algorithm determines who sees every post. Thousands of people never see each post (red). It could be you. We use Facebook for non critical information.    Txt has an opening rate of 98% with most people opening them within 5 minutes.  Emails are free, but there is a trade off of when you will read it. We include email alerts as a social service so anyone can have access. But for just $2/mth (a bag of sweets or 1/2 a coffee) you can have the best. To register go to www.lert.info  

  • 0 Txt Push Alerts Keep you Much Safer

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     Lert Info is NZ's only dedicated National alert service. It's quick to join,  then just wait for us to send you alerts during storms, road closures food recalls and a whole lot more You can choose free emails, but if you want to see alerts immediately, Txt is the way to go.  The above chart shows the effectiveness of delivery methods. Many people switch from email to Txt for more timely alert. Many alert have 15minutes warning and this is where TXT reigns supreme. Below shows a line of Severe Thunderstorms including likely tornadoes. We gave 15minutes warning to Kapiti residents as each wave of severe thunderstorms rolled through. They had already had one tornado.  Email delays put you at risk and your family at risk.  Have you noticed we seem to have many more tornadoes these days.     Civil Defence stopped using email because of the delays but we keep it on as a social service. We often send alerts to over 100,000 people per day during full on events..   Register now. No one knows when the next emergency will happen. www.lert.info            

  • 0 You're information could save lives

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    People expect alerts ASAP, and rightly so. Now you can play a vital role. PROBLEM: Official sources have protocols to follow which can delay information by 45mins or more. We have experienced this first hand. THE FIX: Enable the people to send reports directly to us. SOLUTION: Lert Info Contact Us  form You can be our eyes and ears. Whenever you see something, tell us first, unless it's a Phone 111 situation. Just setup the Contact Us  page on your phone, then all you will have to do is tap the icon fill in the details and press send. We will have your information immediately and will act on it as needed. Follow these three steps 1/ Click the Contact us Link above to get following screen.   2/ Tap your screens hamburger/menu and a similar dropdown should appear as follows. Select "add to homescreen" & give it a name you like. We've used "Lert Info Send Message"         3/ Your screen will now have an icon like the "Lert Info send message" one. 4/ To send us a message all you need do is tap the icon, write the messages and send to us. The first message you send you may need to include your email and phone, sunsequently it should populate automatically.  We will need your location and details. No use to just say there has been a crash. We need basic info - location, road open or closed etc.  Flooding for example - where, status - Just starting, depth.......   You don't need to be a subscriber to contact us, but if you want to get alerts just go to Sign Up We're here to help Kiwis  

  • 0 Alerts Are Best When Community Sourced

    0.00 of 1 votes

    Lert Info is about community and keeping people within those communities safer and better informed.  Although we have hundreds of official sources, the best information comes from YOU,our community. It's faster than most official sources It's incredibly accurate Can be updated in real time We can ask for information in real time during events Enables us to get accurate real time alerts to other members of the Lert community  A classic example was when a major hail storm endangered people from Timaru to Christchurch in December 2019. We issued an alert to subscribers over 30 mins before Metservice issued a severe thunderstorm warning. By getting updates from dozens of people we were then able to forewarn those in line of the storm over the whole day. We were the only service to do so. Fortunately no one was severely injured but thousands of cars needed extensive panel beating and some gutters and roofs were damaged. You can play a crucial part by contacting us on Facebook messenger or emailing info@lert.info.  We can then send alerts to subscribers. ( subscribe for free alerts.) Together we can keep each other safer.    


Lert Info has been designed to provide safety alerts for the public. It is a private company that gets no Government funding.

It’s arguably NZ’s most comprehensive and advanced alert service.

We have our own Meteorological technician, our own programmers and our own networker who are passionate that you have the best service


96, London Street, Dunedin,

New Zealand

Email: 027 733 8528

Email: Stuart@Lert.co.nz

© Lert Info all rights reserved-2024