027 733 8528

News Feed

  • 0 New Events Scale Helps You Assess Events.

    0.00 of 0 votes

    Every event  we send alerts for can now be signaled as to it's intensity and significance. After 12 years of operation we thought it might help you if a "picture "  could give you a better appreciation of different events. We have thousand of sources of information but that should make it easier for us to show how an event will unfold. By mentioning other events you will have a point of comparison. For email or txt alerts - www.lert.info  Time critical alerts like flash floods, severe thunderstorms, evacuations etc only work if you have the Txt service. It only cost 1/2 a bag of lollies per month.

  • 0 Improved Tool Improves Speed and Accuracy

    0.00 of 0 votes

    For several years we have used pre defined map areas for regions. This assures consistency across all staff when defining areas.   This is the Canterbury Plains and Foothills map This map is for just Lyttleton.   By doing the same for over 100 towns and settlements,  the error rate to zero. This is part of our preparation for our forthcoming app which will be offered to susbcribers first. Release date still unknown.   Free Personal emergency alerts - Click here NZ's Only National Txt road alert service - Click here

  • 0 Earthquake caused tsunami can strike any time

    5.00 of 1 votes

    New Zealand is vulnerable to tsunami effects from various sources in the Pacific Ring Of Fire.   There will be no warning of the quake that causes these, but depending on the source location there can be anything from 30mins to several hours lead time.   This Timeline  Video illustrates occassions when we have been affected. Sometimes the results is just tidal surges, others have seen small tsunami . Dates we have been affected 1906, 1923 (2), 1946, 1953, 1960 (massive source quake) 1964, 1965, 2001, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2012  Lert Info   will be here, when one does occur, to keep you updated in real time just as we did with the recent Kermadec tsunami risk. We have access to many information sources and can get additional information to you that could save your life.


Lert Info has been designed to provide safety alerts for the public. It is a private company that gets no Government funding.

It’s arguably NZ’s most comprehensive and advanced alert service.

We have our own Meteorological technician, our own programmers and our own networker who are passionate that you have the best service


96, London Street, Dunedin,

New Zealand

Email: 027 733 8528

Email: Stuart@Lert.co.nz

© Lert Info all rights reserved-2024